Untitled from Shayna Hill on Vimeo.
I am finally done with my 3D project :) I finished it Monday night, which is a good two and a half weeks of work. I learned a lot. My toolbox is not big enough yet to do the things I want to do in a timely fashion. I never realize what I can't do until I get into the process, and instead of giving up I just keep figuring it out. So thanks Ben for allowing us that freedom! These are just exercises, but when I get ideas in my head I don't want to not do it. With all that said, I love my project and am proud that I finally had a break through even though it was a large cause of stress for awhile!
I took a lot of time with detail which means I made a lot of mistakes. You can't randomly manipulate things when you are dealing with time and Z space....and all the other factors. I would change one element on one part of the timeline without realizing that it would affect the entire thing up to that point. Its hard to explain, but I had to learn how and in what order to manipulate all the elements. I used puppet tool for the first time, VERY nifty that tool is! I'm pretty picky and it took time, but its a fun tool!
I drew and watercolored the images, and then I scanned them into the computer. I did not create a background because I had the intentions of making it so deep it was dark. The light is parented to the camera to make it like a submarine POV shot. I did have intentions to animate the treasure chest opening, but I liked the simple zoom-in reveal with it already opened.
This project was a beast, but there is always that learning curve...
omg, this is spectacular. One of the best executions of 3D I have seen. Great attention to detail and the camera work is very smooth