Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Winter Olympics 2010: A Fan's Footage

What is that I see? A moving snowman?? from Shayna Hill on Vimeo.

I am very happy with this project! The snowman was awesome fun to make and the lume matte did wonders. Obviously, I took my last project and I added shapes for the binoculars as well as a snowman. I used mostly shapes with this project, lots of precomps and parenting, and ease eases. I added a blur to my snowman to create some depth, but I actually changed my mind and took it off. With the construction paper look and (cool) lack of depth, I decided not to blur the snowman.

All in all, I love this revision of the 2010 Winter Olympics!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winter Olympics 2010

Of course I used construction paper for all the assets because I must (love to) have my hands on my work. Call me old school, but I am more comfortable with organic, tangible materials. And I love the blend with digital work. It was a lot easier for me to create this way and I like the way it turned out.

This clip took me a while. I've been hanging out in the DML and using lab proctors' help. I am realizing that I understand the program in theory, but I am messing up in practice. This is due to my inexperience, obviously. So its better for me to hang out at school and have helpers near by.

I got the sound effects from UT's stock library. That resource is the bomb!

So this is my second After Effects project EVER, yay! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let there be shadows!

Here is the redo! Added a shadow for the mouse and I fixed his tail!

First After Effects Project Ever!

Wow, this is silly, I know. I am definitely in the process of getting use to After Effects. This sorta makes me blush, but you know what? This is where I am in my learning, and I cannot change that. As I work more with the interface and explore the program, the quality of work will improve. Hopefully, sooner than later. 

After effects, *shakes fist*

Monday, February 8, 2010


Is this revision better? :-/

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where are we going?

I really like the way this turned out. It has a cool look to it. The great thing about it is I'm not doing extravagant things but with a few basic skills I can make a stylized image. I had a picture I took from the zoo and I blended it with the map. The text was the last thing, and I like its multiple meanings. Very self-expressive.